Friday, September 11, 2015

Getting Started With Viili Yogurt: Making a Starter from Raw Milk

IMG_8782-001The very first cultured food I ever made was yogurt and I would guess a lot of us start there. It is familiar and comforting and versatile and delicious. Plus, it’s a fairly simple ferment to make.

I had been making it by heating milk and waiting for it to cool before placing it in a cooler of warm water or blanketed in an oven with the pilot light switched on. So when I found out I could throw it together on the counter top without heating or keeping a steady 110 degrees, I was more than intrigued.

It is called mesophilic yogurt and, besides keeping a separate culture from pasteurized milk, it can be made on the counter top using our beloved raw goat milk. I haven’t made it in a while, as milk kefir sort of stole my heart a few years back, but recently I started up the Viili Yogurt Culture.

I think I had been hesitating due to the fact that I knew I had to pasteurize a little of our milk to make the starter culture. Sometimes I get these road blocks in my head when it comes to something unfamiliar or seemingly, but not factually, complicated. So one morning I decided to just go for it, with helpers in tow of course.

It took all of 10-15 minutes – only two of which were really hands on.

IMG_8789First I took a quart of fresh goat milk and dumped half of it into a small, clean saucepan. I put it over a low heat and just walked away. I washed some dishes, supervised our young children, and checked on it periodically while giving it a little swirl.

After about five minutes small bubbles were forming at the sides of the pan, a thin skin had formed on top of the milk, and bubbles were just starting to pop up towards the center of the pan. I turned the heat off and walked away for another 5-10 minutes to allow the milk to cool down.

Once I could comfortably touch the milk without feeling as though it would burn me, I knew it was ready. I removed the skin carefully with a fork, poured it into a quart jar, and added the culture packet. The box of Viili Yogurt Culture came with two culture packets which put my mind at ease a bit, knowing that if I botched something somewhere there was a backup at the ready.

IMG_8788I just gave the milk and powdered culture a quick stir, covered it with a coffee filter and canning ring and put it up on the culturing shelf – a bit away from my sourdough starter and water kefir – to culture.

Next time I’ll share with you how the raw goat milk yogurt turns out.

Have you worked with the Viili Yogurt Culture?

from Cultures for Health Blog
via The Shining Mind
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